Bootcamp Graduates Hunting Down Miami Tech Jobs
This little diagram that I stumbled upon the other day, draws a pretty positive and inspiring picture: the number of tech roles in Miami is rising with every passing month or even day. More and more companies are getting funding, the start-up accelerators are blossoming and, all in all, this feels extremely exciting.
Having been hired out of a bootcamp myself and watching my peers do the same for the past 4 years, I can see the numbers displayed definitely adding-up. There is a caveat though: most jobs posted ARE for senior developers.
Now, if you are a beginner, just trying to make your way into the big bright tech-world, this picture suddenly is not that exciting anymore. You send your resume here and there, just to get the response, that you are not qualified enough for the role. Or, that you need to have 3 years of experience for an entry dev-role.
It all gets to people, people, who've actually tried their best to turn their lives around, people with tons of drive and passion, that spent months of being jobless and sleepless just to go to a bootcamp and learn their heads off.
Miami-Tech, needs to grow- * -up and realize one thing: bootcamps are not just some playgrounds where kids go to be make-believe programmers. Most people who go to a bootcamp are devoted and passionate individuals that dropped everything to dedicate all aspects of their lives to the new career. And, yes, they do teach stuff there! All kinds of stuff that you would be surprised can be learnt in 9 weeks.
All the boot-campers need is a chance. Someone to take them in and give them a little bit of guidance and acknowledgment.
If you look at the LinkedIn profiles of my fellow Wyncode graduates who got hired by the companies that believed in them, you will see that they grew really fast and became irreplaceable at their jobs.
So, Miami-Tech, next time you get a resume from a boot-camper, do not toss it aside for the lack of a CS degree:
test them,
challenge them,
give them that so-much-needed chance!
I do hope that in the next few years, this diagram can be tweaked a little bit towards junior-devs, interns, apprentices and alike, who are bootcamp graduates.
Then this picture will truly be inclusive and inspiring!